There will be a next journey!

I have a special place in my home for souvenirs. They remind me of nice places where I have been or they are memories of people that I have met.

Last weekend I have been in Zagreb at the Place2Go fair. The previous post is giving already my first impressions about the fair, but there is much more to keep and share. 

Very good idea of the fair organiser was to place the VIA Vinkovci with Pannonia Gourmet at the entrance of the hall. Not just that you could taste their delicious products, but you could enjoy the company of people at the stand as well. 

Once I met somewhere Mirjam Jukić, and after that I constantly met her again and again. There are many reasons why you should get familiar with the name as well, as she the editor-in-chief and co-owner at Turističke priče. For me that day, she was a very warm welcoming.

Is it that everything we do, everywhere we go, we choose as we want some nice experiences that we want to treasure and share?! 

I know, my next destination will be far away of my blue see - as I want to go to Vinkovci and the Panonia land. 

All materijal, including photos & video by Darka


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