Just another working day, or.....

 I like when I have to travel for work, and especially when it comes to the good end.

So, yesterday I was on the road to be in time and freshly mood in Novalja for my guests, better to say for guests of the Novalja Tourist board.

On the road to Novalja

The evening was nice, the road empty and I stopped just short to make a photo of the sunset at the Pag bridge.

It would be a disgrace just to pass by. 

And next morning here we are... Novalja, the story about water, about ships and boats, about ancient days and stories.... about many centuries that passed but left something behind, sometimes really just a story. 

The working pleasure today was even bigger as I spent the day with people who like to write and make photos, who do just what I like and even try to do - make art of travelling and of tourism. 

So, Abbey was a great discovery for me and it was a pleasure to guide her today and show her something I personally like as well. 

You all know how much I like the peninsula of Lun and the olive gardens, I feel there like Alice in the Wonderland but it seems to me that Abbey has a special feeling for the area as well. And when you like nature, art, culture, tourism of this kind, then you can be more than happy to have a working day with people of such interests.

It was my pleasure to show her and Carter the roman aqueduct as well and we all had to cope with the atmosphere of narrow space and darkness. Someone went further, someone like I did, stayed at the beginning, but we all had the pleasure to feel the ambience of the unique architecture of many centuries ago. 

Carter is coming back
Unique ancient walls 

And we had the opportunity to see one of the ancient openings that made the construction of the aqueduct possible, but also we were witnessing of what Bura the wind makes of glass surfaces as it was all covered with salt from the seawater. But, help was immediate and we could enjoy the view. 

One of the openings is getting ready for shooting 

I must say, I enjoyed the day with Abbey and Carter and I am looking forward to see them again in Novalja or somewhere else in our beautiful Croatia.

Abbey and Carter while they work

All materijal, including photos by Darka


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