Darka Walks With Marko - a Throwback - this time in English

Advent together - Darka Walks With Marko in Split - it is time to have it in English 

During the Advent season, as part of the Split Tourist Board campaign - Click on Culture, I presented my interpretative thematic walk in Split and I organised a quiz through four Advent weeks.

After each quiz, I posed three questions, and the prize for the answered questions was a calendar that I made just for that purpose.

The calendar is conceived according to the points from my interpretative walk, so that all those who won the price will be able to spend the time together with our Marko Marulić throughout the year.

As soon as I finished the calendar, I was on a small trip from Split to Zagreb, so that my thematic walk, as well as the Advent action and the calendar itself, could be presented outside of Split.

In Zagreb I wrote:

“Today I was walking along the Zagreb streets and as I had my " freshly made Marko” in hand, the calendar I made, and I wanted to share it with dear friends I have in Zagreb, I could inevitably draw a parallel between his time and our time, how we live today.

He traveled the world with his works as he was widely translated, for almost all readers and languages of that time. In the same period he lived and dreaded in Split, as the whole Europe was threatened under conquering attacks from Osmans coming from the East.

Today, like the Renaissance people, we long for socialising, poetry, dance, dining, but we are also overshadowed by the problems from the East, also by the global pandemic and other dangerous facts …

The conversations both are imbued with patriotism, ours and Marko's then…

We have more similarities in our lifestyle than we would say at first glance!

We are a kind of people of a new Renaissance, we are born from the ashes and dust of old customs. “

The next stop was Trogir where we visited the City Museum and I wrote:

"Marko Marulić dedicated his first world bestseller De institutione bene vivendi per exempla sanctorum (1499) to Jerolim Ćipiko from Trogir.

"My Marko" and I spent the morning having coffee with a dear friend and colleague from the student days, a hardworking and successful director of the Trogir City Museum. Fani and I also remembered our trip to Poreč to the General Assembly of Matica Hrvatska, she attended as the president of the Trogir branch, I as a member of the Sarajevo Presidency. Igor Zidić was the president of the Matica Hrvatska and I still keep in paper his speech.

Nurturing my connections in pleasant conversations, I remembered, of course, another important Trogir character, Petar Berislavić, who, like Ćipiko, belonged to Marul's circle. “

In the City museum of Trogir

On the way to Split we stopped at the excavations of the ancient Salona:

"Do you know that our Marul walked there and wrote down the inscriptions of the ancients, a kind of the first guide to this part of our country was created.”

And then, in preparation for the fourth quiz, I walked around Split and thinking:

"Today I was walking the streets of the city of Split thinking about my tour Darka Walks with Marko in Split.

Literature and tourism, culture and tourism, the immortality of our poet and tourism, getting to know Split through just one character… ..

Is it possible to interest the audience in such a form of socialising?!

My humble opinion on this is very positive.

24.12., on Christmas Eve, we had the last of four quizzes through the Advent time in Split #kliknimonakulturu.

"In this last quiz, you will discover why all my foreign guests are delighted with this topic and why I am going home after work in a happy mood ”

Advent together brought me a lot of nice feelings with the people I met by organising the quiz live on my Facebook page Exploring Croatia With Darka. I subsequently put it all on my YouTube Chanel and thus rounded off this online event accompanied by a quiz and a calendar.

I celebrate the The Year of Marko Marulić.

You can download the calendar here and view it in the following window:

All materijal, including photos & video by Darka


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