
Prikazuju se postovi od listopad, 2021

Svetvinčenat through the prism of the first National Forum of Heritage Interpreters

The trip to Svetvinčenat for the first National Forum of Cultural Interpreters led me to the place I first heard about in March 2018 at the Place2Go tourism fair in Zagreb. Behind the Istrian stand there was a friendly team who explained to me that I had to come to Istria. In a pleasant conversation they gave me various materials that I still keep. Who knows, maybe it was the team from Istra Inspirit , which now, together with Manuela Hrvatin, our coordinator for Croatia at  Interpret Europe , hosted the first National Forum of Heritage Interpreters in Croatia!  View of the town square with a well seen from the Morosini-Grimani castle  And here I am, I came to Svetvinčenat, a city that seems to have been created for telling stories, a city that guards several wells in such a small area. This historical place has everything to show, its beautiful square,  narrow streets, churches, castle…. Although the place is dominated by the castle, we are amazed by the multitude o...

Putovanje koje obećava

Krenula sam jutros pravac sjevera iako je bura svojim orkanskim udarima zatvorila promet na dva mjesta kojima sam od Splita prema Svetvinčentu morala proći.  No, budući sam ispekla zanat putovanja po Dalmaciji u vrijeme bure, tako sam dobre nade i volje krenula na taj put. Nisam se htjela penjati na Dugopolje, jer i oko Klisa zna bura toliko zanovijetati da nam sasvim uspori put do autoputa. Otišla sam sve do Plana, pa autoputem do Skradina, gdje sam opet sišla i nastavila putem arheoloških nalazišta preko Kistanja pa sve do Gračaca. Lijepo je proći pored Bribirske glavice i Burnuma koji se sasvim lijepo vide pored puta.  E onda sam autoputem do izlaza za Senj pa uz more prema Rijeci i dalje kroz Istru. Bura je veličanstvenom snagom dizala more i miješala boje neba, mora i kamena kvarnerskih otoka. Sve je to bilo toliko lijepo da sam poželjela svako malo stati. I onda, da li već od umora ili nepažnje, sasvim krivo čujem upute Google sekretarice koja me stala voditi u istarske ...