Medieval summer festival, Fjera of Rab in the second year of the pandemic

Promotional material from the year 2017 on may old window

This glorious event ended up also this year with just a symbolic crossbowmen parade. Never the less, the town of Rab is still decorated with banners presenting various medieval characters giving us some interesting ideas of what it was once, who was walking around and how people were dressed in the past.

When you ask me about the history of the medieval festival, then I prefer the following article , as the role  of my brother Mladen Šćerbe, Mišo is mentioned as well.

It is quite a beautiful feeling to walk around and to observe all that beautiful huge banners, as we would emerge into the history of the town together with them.

“The festivities always began in the Cathedral and the prince, the judge and the district council had to be present and had to hold candles. In the solemn procession the head of St. Christopher was carried across the town in a silver reliquary. Knight’s games took place and the winner was awarded.”  (From the brochure of the year 2017)

St. Christhopher

The town gate was open during festivities and everyone could enter. Therefore we see today during Fjera different people and different occupations, such as merchants, shipbuilders, butchers, baker, fishermen, crossbowmen, potters, florist…
As there were many noble families in the town of Rab, therefore is fan quite a suitable souvenir you can find during our famous medieval festival, which hopefully next year will be held without any restrictions so that you can enjoy it to the fullest.

My old fan, my old souvenir 

“Rabska fjera is a remembrance of the ancient Rab which celebrated its liberty and the independent community - the municipium.” (From the brochure of the year 2017)

All materijal, including photos by Darka



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