The peninsula of Lun - UNESCO intangible heritage and the olive gardens

Each time I come to the island of Pag I can hardly wait to go to Lun to see old olive trees with their curved structures. Centuries and winds carved out and wrinkled the bark, so that trees sometimes look like a birdwatching house, or like a creature that will walk away any second . You can see shapes of hearts or even monsters.

    Old olive tree 

Lun is like a fairyland and there are colours and sounds that make you feel as if you were in a dream. There are animals and flowers, ponds and dry stone walls. The art of dry stone walling, knowledge and techniques belong to UNESCO intangible heritage You can feel the most intense smell of herbs on the peninsula of Lun. It is the most beautiful natural spa.

Dry stone wall  

It is hard to imagine that there is so much vegetation on this rocky karst island. The green oasis of olive gardens is a special place where olive oil is still being produced in a traditional way. People make cheese, honey and they marinate anchovies. They are fishermen and farmers, but first of all, they are guardians of a millennial tradition. 

All materijal, including photos by Darka


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