Villa Danek in Sinj
When you are visiting a historical place it is possible to find some interesting stories all around that place. So, I was walking the streets of the town of Sinj when suddenly attracted by two sculptures on the facade of the building and after I came closer, I was attracted again, that time by the smell from kitchen. The whole complex I immediately said, I was going to eat there. After enjoying the local gourmet food, I decided to look better the ambiance. The lady was glad about my interest and she brought me a kind of a brochure with photos and text about the building she inherited. Postcard from the year 1899 It is beautiful to possess something that allows you to continue to be a part of the local community. This interesting building was built by a wealthy Polish family Danek. The Danek family owned these two houses as well as the building up to the bend in the street that once housed the judicial prisons. It was later bought by the pharmacist Sever Varda. T...